Professional Interests
Professional Interests
My background is in the natural sciences. During my studies of Physics, I became intrigued by the fact that we have increasing capabilities to collect data, but very limited means to get useful information out of it. This lead my way into Computer Science where I am interested in how to build tools that help people access, understand and work with complex information.
Here is a list of selected publications.
Current Activities
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, School of Life Sciences
My activities focus on the application of information technology in the Life Sciences, or biomedical informatics. I teach and perform applied research in the areas of interactive visualization, user interface design, and software engineering.
Previous Activities
Ubilab was the IT research and technology transfer lab of UBS, an international bank. A bank’s core activity is essentially to move information around, and try to make sense of it. Therefore, this was a good opportunity to work with information visualization tools to address these problems.
IBM Research
I spent a few years at the IBM Almaden Research Center helping to build up and establish a center of competence for scientific visualization.
© 2010 Dominique Brodbeck